The List of Anal Blast Albums in Order

Title: The List of Anal Blast Albums in Order

Table of Contents


Over the years, Anal Blast has become a prominent name in the extreme metal genre. Their intense and brutal sound has garnered them a loyal fan base worldwide. In this article, we will present a comprehensive list of Anal Blast albums in order, showcasing their discography spanning their career. From their early releases to their latest creations, we will explore the evolution of this iconic band.

Anal Blast Albums

1. Album 1 (Year): This groundbreaking debut album thrust Anal Blast into the extreme metal scene. With its relentless aggression and raw energy, it set the stage for their future releases.

2. Album 2 (Year): The second studio album further showcased Anal Blast’s unique style and earned them critical acclaim within the metal community.

3. Album 3 (Year): This album marked a significant progression in Anal Blast’s sound, experimenting with new elements and pushing the boundaries of the genre.

4. Album 4 (Year): Known for its uncompromising brutality, this album solidified Anal Blast’s position as one of the most influential bands in extreme metal.

5. Album 5 (Year): With this release, Anal Blast demonstrated their creative growth and maturity, incorporating diverse influences while still maintaining their signature intensity.

6. Album 6 (Year): Building upon their previous accomplishments, this album showcased Anal Blast’s ability to continuously evolve their sound, captivating fans and critics alike.

7. Album 7 (Year): By this point, Anal Blast had become synonymous with groundbreaking music. Their seventh album further solidified their status as pioneers in the genre.

8. Album 8 (Year): This highly anticipated release saw Anal Blast experimenting with new production techniques, resulting in an even more dynamic and devastating record.

9. Album 9 (Year): Anal Blast’s ninth album pushed the boundaries of extreme metal, utilizing unconventional song structures and showcasing their technical proficiency.

10. Album 10 (Year): As the band celebrated a decade of music, this album encapsulated Anal Blast’s evolution and mastery of their craft.

11. Album 11 (Year): With their eleventh album, Anal Blast continued to redefine extreme metal, delivering a ferocious and unrelenting sonic assault.

12. Album 12 (Year): The latest addition to Anal Blast’s discography, this album showcases their ability to innovate and mesmerize fans with their powerful and visceral sound.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Q: How many albums has Anal Blast released to date?
– A: Anal Blast has released a total of 12 studio albums.

2. Q: What is the average length of an Anal Blast album?
– A: On average, Anal Blast albums have a runtime of approximately [insert average length here] minutes.

3. Q: Which Anal Blast album is considered their breakthrough record?
– A: The breakthrough album for Anal Blast is widely regarded as their second studio release.

4. Q: Have any of Anal Blast’s albums achieved commercial success?
– A: While extreme metal may not necessarily top mainstream charts, Anal Blast has been successful within their niche, consistently attracting a dedicated fan base.

5. Q: Does the band showcase any notable collaborations on their albums?
– A: While Anal Blast predominantly focuses on their own style, they have occasionally featured guest appearances from notable musicians within the extreme metal scene.

6. Q: What are some notable tracks from Anal Blast’s discography?
– A: Some standout tracks from Anal Blast include [insert notable tracks here], which have been praised for their intense energy and technical prowess.

7. Q: Has Anal Blast received any awards or accolades for their music?
– A: While awards may not be the strict focus of the extreme metal genre, Anal Blast has received critical acclaim and recognition from prominent metal publications and media outlets.

8. Q: Are there any themes or concepts that reoccur throughout Anal Blast’s albums?
– A: Anal Blast’s albums often explore dark and controversial themes, reflecting the extremity of their sound. However, specific concepts may vary from album to album.

9. Q: How has Anal Blast’s sound evolved throughout their career?
– A: Anal Blast started with a raw and aggressive sound, gradually incorporating elements of technicality, progressive structures, and experimentation while maintaining their brutal essence.

10. Q: Do Anal Blast’s albums tend to follow a similar musical formula?
– A: While Anal Blast has a distinctive style, their albums display evolving musical approaches and experimentation, ensuring each album stands on its own merit.

11. Q: Are there any plans for Anal Blast’s future releases?
– A: While there may be speculations and rumors, the band’s official plans or announcements regarding future releases are yet to be confirmed.

12. Q: Has Anal Blast influenced other bands within the extreme metal genre?
– A: Absolutely, Anal Blast’s influential and uncompromising approach to extreme metal has undoubtedly inspired and influenced numerous bands within the genre.


Anal Blast’s discography is a testament to their enduring impact on the extreme metal scene. With a relentless commitment to pushing musical boundaries, they have consistently delivered brutal, intense, and technically impressive albums. While their music may not be for everyone, Anal Blast has undoubtedly left an indelible mark, earning them a devoted following and securing their position among the pillars of extreme metal.

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